Proprietary Delivery System
Surviving the Journey
Probulin’s scientifically formulated probiotic delivery system protects and nourishes your probiotics so they arrive alive.
Not All Probiotics Are Digested Equally.
Our proprietary delivery system offers protection against stomach acid and bile, so your probiotics arrive alive and get right to work.
Proprietary Delivery System
Protection is Key
Stomach acid is a known enemy of probiotics — many probiotic supplements include a protective capsule to help shield the cultures through digestion. But once the capsule dissolves, probiotics are on their own.
Seaweed Submarine
After the capsule dissolves, our special seaweed extract forms a gel-like secondary barrier around the probiotics — the "seaweed submarine" — shuttles the probiotics into the gut and then gradually dissolves, releasing probiotics into their new home.

Reaching the Gut Alive
Hardy bacterial strains, protected within their “seaweed submarine,” have strong survival rates traversing the journey through stomach acid — a high number of beneficial bacteria reach the gut alive.
Ready To Work Upon Arrival
While on this journey, probiotics are fed with prebiotics. Dormant probiotics begin to wake up when exposed to hydration — this stage is critical, as probiotics that hydrate too quickly can explode. MAKTrek® includes electrolytes to ensure slow & steady hydration.